KDC Connections

Helping people find PAs and PAs find jobs

Training for PA’s

Don’t forget you can access various training opportunities via Knowsley Disability Concern.  The following courses are available throughought the year:

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Refresher Periods

Moving and Handling of People – Level 2 – Induction

Moving and Handling Refresher Periods

Moving and Handling Train-the-Trainer Refresher

Moving and Handling of Loads

Equality Diversity and Human Rights e-learning

Equality Diversity and Human Rights refresher guidance

Autism Awareness

First Aid and Life Support

HABC Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid

HABC Level 3 Award Full Accredited Emergency First Aid Course for Designated First Aiders

Paediatric First Aid

Health and Safety

Infection Control and Prevention

Infection Control and Prevention guideline

Food Hygiene – e-learning

Food For Life

The majority of the above courses take place at:

The Halewood Centre, KMBC Rooms 3 & 4,
Roseheath Drive
L26 9UH

Bus routes: The following buses travel to Roseheath Drive: – 75, 78, 89A, 166, 192, 193, 263, 266, 786, 883

To book a place on any of the courses above contact Johanne on 0151 480 4090 and quote PA training.